Alkia IT Services
Professional Services | BlockChains
Join the Talent Connection.
Talent Connection is a network of professionals who are interested in work opportunities offered by Alkia and partners. The Talent Connection is easy to join and is open to anyone who is interested in discovering and boarding the team.
Openstack builder.
We have pleinty of opportunities for engineers experienced in carrier-grade OpenStack solutions for highly resilient cloud platform which meets reliability with flexibility.​
Hadoop master.
You are familliar with setting-up a Hadoop BigData center. We are looking forwad hearing your story and let our customer know a little more about you.​
Laravel artisants.
Guess what? We have some responsive backend to build up for our cloud solutions. You are a php artisan?​ Welcome.
Bootstap geek.
You started-up your developer career with the real-world programming skills in Bootstrap development. Let's have a coffe!​